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All STABILE products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant STABILE: chimneys, bends, passages, adapters, passage flanges
  • Chimneys STABILE
    PHED02 D120 and others.
  • Taps STABILE
    PHCQ 45 D120, etc.
  • Overlap passages STABILE
    Overlap passages
    PHRS 72 D120, etc.
  • Passage Flanges STABILE
    Passage Flanges
    PHRI 45 D120, etc.
  • Adapters STABILE
    PHRC 09 D120, etc.


The company STABILE (Italy) was founded by Franco Stabile in the province of Varese in 1977 and today is one of the leading manufacturers of chimneys.

    The logistics department of the company is equipped with warehouses of finished products with a total capacity of 17,000 cubic meters, from which orders are sent daily to customers from 28 countries of the world.
  • development

    The Research and Development Department pre-tests each of its new projects with the help of technical feasibility and economic analysis.
  • technologies

    The active use of modern technologies allows the company to constantly expand production volumes, as well as the product line.

Information Board STABILE

Learn more about our products STABILE.
  • Price list of производства STABILE
    Price list of STABILE
  • The производства STABILE questionnaire
    The STABILE questionnaire


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